Saturday, January 26, 2013

My Deadpool Killustrated #1 Review

Deadpool Killustrated #1
Moby Dick
Cullen Bunn (Writter)
Matteo Lolli (Artist)

Be advised, this review is not spoiler free.

This first issue was a lot of fun to read. Not just because I fucking love Deadpool, that helps, but because there was some thought put into this new series. There's some great writing and an interesting story going on here.

Deadpool Killustrated is the sequel to Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe. More on that in a minute. We find Deadpool, on a boat, harpoon in hand, waiting. Suddenly Moby Dick shows up attacks and seemingly eats Wade.

Then we get a re-cap of Deadpool's previous atrocities. The thing about Deadpool is he's certainly a terrible person, he's basically a sociopath, yet he's hard not to like. We see the weight of what Deadpool has done, killed the entire Marvel Universe. In fact multiple Marvel Universes.

Realizing that no matter how many heroes he kills it's never enough "Super heroes...the multiversal cockroach."  Nevertheless, it's Deadpool's turn to die. He's about to blow his head off when he realizes he's done it before and always heals, or gets cloned, or is brought back with black magic ext. It's pointless.

He decides there's only one thing to do. Find the source of the fictional reality...and kill it. Thinking ahead, Deadpool kept all the mad scientists alive so they can help him kill faster and more efficiently  They've discovered a new universe called the "Metaverse" which contains the "classics", works of fiction that inspired all the fiction up until now. Deadpool is told he's stuck in an endless cycle of killing.

"You are self-aware...a rouge entity who can peer through the veil of creation. To free us must become...metacidal."

So he must start a brand new killing spree in the Metaverse. Reason being, if he kills the classics then the heroes will never exist. So Deadpool heads to the one place he fears, The New York Public Library, to find that one classic that stated it all. Considering it a fool's errand he just decides to kill them all.

With the help of his mad scientists Deadpool leaps into the metaverse, but not before leaving a parting gift for his slave scientists as a token of his appreciation for their hard work.

Deadpool lands in Spain 1610 and is immediately impaled by Don Quixote. Deadpool feels remorse that he's the first to die because he found a sort of kindred spirit in Quixote. But he's got a job to do and and starts his death count. 

Moving on to the next classic, we arrive in 1850 England aboard the Pequod. Captain Ahab and his crew are on the look out for Moby Dick. He finally surfaces but it's now a  deceased whale with a stranger in red and black climbing out his blow hole.

The sailors bring Deadpool on board and congratulate him on slaying the whale. On the ship Deadool has a weird mental breakdown and imagines seeing the Visions face in a doll. Like I said weird  Then it's time to make the proper introductions and continue on with the death count.

Final Thoughts: This was a really fun issue, it hits all thee right notes when it came to a decidedly darker Deadpool. I mean he's just killing people at random but there's a lot of humor in those scenes. The story is kinda dressed up as an existential and cynical look at fiction through the eyes of a very meta character. But really just a simple set-up filled with lots of Star Trek-esque technobable.

I enjoyed reading characters from the past interacting with the merc with the mouth from the present. The kills this time around aren't as creative as they were in Kills The Marvel Universe, but maybe be that will change in issues to come. I recommend you pick up a copy.

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